User Manual 1319.5413.02 ─ 02
LAN Interface
The instrument is equipped with a LAN interface to enable integration into a local
area network (LAN). This interface consists of a connector, a network card, and
For remote control via the network, the controller and the instrument must be con-
nected via the LAN interface to a common network that uses the TCP/IP network
protocol. They are connected using commercially available RJ-45 cables. The
TCP/IP network protocol and the network services associated with it are precon-
figured on the instrument.
To establish the connection, you need the instrument's IP address or computer
Socket Communication
An alternative way for remote control of the software is to establish simple net-
work communication using sockets (also referred as "Raw Ethernet communica-
The simplest way to establish a socket communication to the switch matrix is to
connect to the built-in Telnet server. A Telnet client is part of every operating sys-
tem and supports communication with the server on a command-by-command
basis. For better utilization and to enable automation by means of programs,
user-defined sockets can be programmed.
Socket connections are established on a specially defined port. The socket
address is a combination of the IP address or the instrument's host name and the
number of the port configured for remote control. All switch matrices use port
number 2101 for this purpose. The port is configured for communication on a
command-to-command basis and for remote control by a program.
Status Reporting System
The status reporting system stores all information on the instrument's current sta-
tus and on the errors that have arisen. This information is stored in the status reg-
ister and in an error output queue that can be queried using the
Basic Information on Remote Control