Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Figure 4-2: Signal behavior when power ramping and level attenuation are enabled
Several parameters are provided for precise definition of the form and the steepness of
ramp. The
depicts the impact of the provided settings.
Ramp function: defines the shape of the rising and falling edges
Ramp time: defines the duration of the rising and the falling ramp
Rise/fall delay: offsets the falling edge of the envelope at the beginning/end of a
Figure 4-3: Impact of the ramp settings
= "Ramp Function"
2, 3 = "Rise Delay", "Fall Delay"
= "Ramp Time"
Regular marker output signals
The R&S
SMM100A can add
additional signals
to the generated signal. Marker signals
(or markers) are digital signals which can be used to synchronize external devices to
the generated data stream. For example, with suitable marker settings, a slot clock or
frame clock can be selected, or the start of a particular modulation symbol can be
Common functions and settings in the baseband domain