Noise-Limited OTA Performance in Transmit Diversity Mode
User Manual 1175.6678.02 ─ 01
In addition to the polar graphs, the following information panes appear in the R&S AMS32
main application window.
The "Test Components" explorer pane (docked to the left side of the window) shows
the following files: "Graphics" (graphs/diagrams for data presentation and associated
*.wmf files for viewing in an external application or printout), "Reports" "Report Set-
ups" (if defined) and "Result Tables".
A MIMO OTA test yields one graphics file and one result table file for each measured
channel. The file names contain the polarization indicator
. Double-click a
file to select or open it. Right-click a nodes or file to retrieve related information (e.g.
the directories where the test is stored).
The "OTA Test Control" window (docked to the right side of the window) shows the
range and current value of the loop parameters. The fixed polarization configuration
for the single-antenna MIMO OTA test is displayed as "Hor-Ver".
Result Evaluation and Reporting