Operating Concepts
User Manual 1178.8371.02 ─ 04
Figure 5-2: Setup with the R&S Power Viewer
1 = Signal source
2 = R&S NRPxxTWG power sensor
3 = Host interface connector
4 = R&S NRP
ZKU cable
5 = USB connector
6 = Computer with installed R&S Power Viewer
Incorrectly connecting/disconnecting the R&S NRPxxTWG power sensors can damage
the power sensors or lead to erroneous results.
Ensure that you connect/disconnect your power sensor as described in
Starting a measurement
1. Connect the cables as shown in
For a detailed description, refer to
Chapter, "Simple USB Connection"
2. Start the R&S Power Viewer.
3. Execute zeroing:
Turn off all measurement power signals before zeroing. An active measure-
ment signal during zeroing causes an error.
a) Switch off the measurement signal.
b) Select "Sensor > Zero (Signal off) ".
4. Switch on the test signal of the signal source.
5. For a continuous average measurement, select "Measurement > Continuous".
The "Continuous" measurement window appears. It shows the measurement
results numerically and some parameters that can be configured.
R&S Power Viewer