Trying Out the Instrument
Getting Started 5601.5603.02 ─ 05
To activate the channel output, press the [Output] key on the front panel followed
by the desired channel key or vice versa.
The R&S
NGP800 power supply displays the actual voltage on the output chan-
nel and the actual current drawn by the load connected to the output. The display
font color of the selected channel changes depending on the operating mode of
the instrument.
Constant voltage (CV)
– Voltage regulated, actual current is lesser than setpoint.
– Font color of measured voltage and current is green.
Constant current (CC)
– Current regulated, current drawn by the circuit is limited to setpoint.
– Font color of measured voltage and current is red.
When output is turned off, the display font color changes to white and the operat-
ing mode is not displayed.
See the highlighted areas in
Figure 5-1: Font color in highlighted areas changes to green or red depending on the dif-
ferent operating modes of the instrument
Activating the Channels Output