Resource management for concurrent measurement requests
User Manual 1503.3776.32 - 08
Resource management for concurrent measurement
The R&S TSMW-K1 supports a scalable resource management for I/Q data
measurement tasks.
The basic idea is that concurrent measurement requests can be assigned different
portions of the available receiver time. This is particularly important for applications
where independent and concurrent measurement tasks perform measurements using
the R&S TSMW.
In order to deal with this problem, it is possible to allocate receiver resources (i.e.
receiver time for frontend 1 or 2) and assign measurements to these resources. Having
done this, the R&S TSMW internal measurement scheduler considers the current
usage of each acquired receiver when deciding whether a measurement shall be
performed or not.
Using resource management only makes sense if concurrent measurement requests
exist. This means situations occur in which a large number of measurement requests
are started that cannot be served at once and therefore have to be delayed. If start
times are specified for these measurement requests, it makes sense (if possible) to
specify several alternative start times in order to allow the scheduler to start the
corresponding measurement at a later time. If a start time cannot be met and no
alternative start times are available, the measurement request can not be actioned.
Three receivers are resourced as follows:
● Resource 1: 30% of frontend 1
● Resource 2: 50% of frontend 2
● Resource 3: 70% of frontend 1 and 50% of frontend 2
This is done with the resource request functions, see chapter Measurement on p. 22.
When a measurement is started, the resource request fields within the MATLAB
are used to assign each measurement to the right resource by
specifying the corresponding resource ID. For details see chapter MeasCtrl values for
capacity request for RF channels on p. 30).
The R&S TSMW scheduler considers the usage of the specified resource when
deciding which of the concurrent measurement requests to serve first.