Hydraulic Circuit Schematic Diagram
1. Set valve No. 6 on "TEST".
2. The volume and pressure should indicate around zero.
3. Install the large crank handle (a) on the rear side of the actuator and pressurize the unit
up to 2,500 kPa by rotating the large crank handle clockwise. Read the volume.
If the volume indicated on the readout is more than 15 cc, the instrument is not
completely saturated.
Repeat the saturation procedure described in steps 4.1.7 to
step 4.1.15.
The instrument is completely saturated when the volume indicates less than 15 cc at
2,500 kPa. Having determined that the instrument is completely saturated, rotate the
large crank handle until the pressure reaches 10,000 kPa.
The pressure should stabilize after 2 minutes between 10,000 kPa and 9,500 kPa if
there is no leak in the system.
Bring the pressure back to 0 kPa by returning the piston to its lowermost position.
Valve # 6