Supports Hi-Speed USB data transfer speed of up to
480Mbps, and IEEE 1394a data transfer speed of
up to 400Mbps.
USB Mass Storage Class offers driverless in Windows
XP, 2000, and ME.
Easy to connect by plug-n-play.
Combines enclosure and 1394 repeater functionality.
Maximizes thermal protection with Aluminum
Provides robust HDD fixing mechanism to reduce risk
of HDD damage during movement.
Prevents drop damage to HDD with anti-shock design.
Supports DES/TDES 40-bit
hardware encryption
The standard shipment is with encryption of DES/TDES 40-bit key strength.
The designs with 64/128/192-bit encryptions are available by request.
What is Encryption?
Data encryption is a process used to hide the true
meaning of data. The word "encryption' has been coined
from the word "cryptography" which was derived from the
ancient Greek words "kryptos" (hidden) and "graphia"
(writing). Encryption is the sophisticated mathematical
calculation (or algorithm) process of transforming text or
data into an unintelligible form called cipher. Reversing
the process of encryption and transforming the cipher
back into its original form is called decryption.
Encryption and decryption comprise the science of
cryptography as it is applied to the modern computer.
What is an Encrypted Hard Drive Enclosure?
Rocbit Encrypted HD enclosures provide Enova X-Wall®
real-time hardware-based encryption. Every bit and byte
on the hard drive is strongly encrypted by DES (Data
Encryption Standard) or TDES (Triple DES) algorithms.
There is no possibility that clear text will remain on the
hard drive.
What is the Secure Key and Why Use It?
The Secure Key is a physical digital key that contains the
“Secret Key” (number) necessary for encryption and
decryption operations. The hard drive must be partitioned
and formatted using the Secure Key, the first time the
hard drive is used. When complete the entire content of
the hard drive is associated with the unique Secure Key.
Only a Secure Key containing the identical “Secret Key”
can be used for authentication and decryption of the hard
drive at power up.
Will Encryption Degrade Performance?
Rocbit encrypted hard drives provide Real-Time and
performance degradation through the built-in X-Wall®
microchip (encryption chipset), which operates at 1.6
What about Compatibility Issues?
Rocbit encrypted hard drives are compatible with every
operating system found today. However, a host controller
with a USB/1394 mass storage driver typically provided
by the OS is required.
How do Rugged Rocbit Designs help protect your Hard
In addition to strong real-time encryption and the Secure
Key, the safety-centric mechanical designs of Rocbit
external hard drives provide critical hardware protection
Features including:
Secure Fixing Mechanism of hard drive