To enjoy your model for a long time, it is neces-
ary to
it regulary (i.e. after it has been in
operation for approximately 30 hours). Uncouple
locomotive and tender first (fig. 2).
1. Cleaning of wheel contacts:
Wheel cont-
acts easily get dirty on tracks which are not enti-
rely clean. Use a small brush to
remove dirt
spots marked in fig. 9.
2. Lubrication:
tiny oil drops
to spots
marked in fig. 10. Prior to lubrication dismantle
the loco body or the tender body (fig. 4, fig. 5).
We recommend using item no.
10906, Roco oi-
. For lubrication the gearparts (e.g. cogwheels,
worm) we would recommended our Roco
(item no.
Please do not oil these parts when
using our grease.
3. Change of lights:
First remove loco body and
the tender body (fig. 4, fig. 5) and then change
lights (fig. 8, fig. 8).
4. Steam generator application:
First remove
the loco body (fig. 4) and then push in the Seuthe
steam generator no. 10 (running in digital mode:
use no.11) (fig. 7).
5. Change of traction tyre:
Remove tender
gear cover. Take out the
wheel set
and remove
traction tyre
using a pin or a fine screwdri
ver (fig. 11 + 12). When pressing on the new trac
tion tyre please
avoid twisting it
6. Carbon Brush Changing:
First remove ten-
der body (fig. 5), and then the motor (fig. 13).
During assembly please take care of
correct position of contacts (fig. 6).
Unwrap model:
Take the loco carefully out of
the packing with the help of the foil (fig. 1).
Very important!
Before taking into service your model these
bearings of the coupling rods must be oiled as
otherwise there would be the risk of bad run-
ning qualities of dramage on he locomotive (see
fig. 10).
Operating instructions:
Before use is advisa-
ble to let the loco go around about 30 minutes
forwards an 30 minutes backwards without load,
to obtain an optomal circuit and best tractive po-
wer. The smallest radius this model should run is
(358 mm) of the ROCO track system.
Your locomotive will run smoothly on clean tracks
only. For this purpose we recommend using item
46400, Roco track cleaning van
, or item
10002, Roco track cleaning rubber
, for
removing heavy dirt.
Operation is possible with different
couplings (fig. 3). We recommend using the Roco
close coupling.
In the enclosed accessory bag you will find small
kits to be fitted on your locomotive. Please
them cautiously. Attention!
Use glue only if
indicated (fig. 3).
Running in digital mode:
First remove Tender body (fig. 5). Then remove the
jumper from the interface. Finally put the plug of
the chip into the interface as shown in fig. 6.
Starting locomotive operation
Maintenance of the model