Rockwell Automation Publication SAFETY-AT134B-EN-P - November 2015
Safety Function: Cable Pull Switch with a Configurable Safety Relay
Verification and Validation Plan
Verification and validation play important roles in the avoidance of faults throughout the safety system design and
development process. ISO 13849-2 sets the requirements for verification and validation. The standard calls for a
documented plan to confirm that all of the safety functional requirements have been met.
Verification is an analysis of the resulting safety control system. The Performance Level (PL) of the safety control system is
calculated to confirm that the system meets the required Performance Level (PLr) specified. The SISTEMA software is
typically used to perform the calculations and assist with satisfying the requirements of ISO 13849-1.
Validation is a functional test of the safety control system to demonstrate that the system meets the specified requirements
of the safety function. The safety control system is tested to confirm that all of the safety-related outputs respond
appropriately to their corresponding safety-related inputs. The functional test includes normal operating conditions in
addition to potential fault injection of failure modes. A checklist is typically used to document the validation of the safety
control system.
Prior to validating the system, confirm that the Guardmaster 440C-CR30 configurable safety relay has been wired and
configured in accordance with the installation instructions.
Verification and Validation Checklist
General Machinery Information
Machine Name/Model Number
Machine Serial Number
Customer Name
Test Date
Tester Name
Schematic Drawing Number
Input Devices
800F-1YP3, 440E-L13137
Configurable Safety Relay
Safety Contactor
Safety Wiring and Relay Configuration Verification
Test Step
Confirm that all components' specifications are suitable for the application. See
the Basic Safety Principles and Well-tried Safety Principles from ISO 13849-2.
Visually inspect the safety relay circuit to confirm that it is wired as
documented in the schematics.
Confirm that the configuration in the 440C-CR30 relay is the correct, intended
Normal Operation Verification - The safety system responds properly to all normal Start, Stop, Reset, E-stop, and Cable Pull Switch inputs.
Test Step
Confirm that no one is in the guarded area.
Confirm that the K1 and K2 contactors are deactivated.
Confirm that the E-stop button is released.
Confirm that the Lifeline 4 cable pull switch is not activated.
Apply power to the safety system.