Connect the MIDI OUT of the Intellifex LTD to the MIDI IN on the sequencer using a
standard MIDI cable.
Step 1
The following information is transmitted when a preset dump is initiated:
F0H - Start of Exclusive byte
00H - Manufacturer ID byte 1
00H - Manufacturer ID byte 2
29H - Manufacturer ID byte 3
02H - Product ID byte
28H - Command byte, Preset dump
XXH - 200 data bytes, (MSB=0)
YYH - Check Sum byte, ("Exclusive or" of data bytes, MSB=0)
F7H - End of Exclusive byte
Each data byte is a 7-bit value. The first transmitted data byte consists of the lower 7 bits of the first value. The second
transmitted data byte consists of the most significant bit of the first value. These two transmitted bytes are combined when
received to form the first value. The next two transmitted bytes will form the next value in the same way and so on, until
all 200 bytes are transmitted. The order of data byte transmission is as follows:
55 Parameter values X 2 =
13 Title characters X 2 =
32 Control Assignments X 2 =
110 transmitted bytes
26 transmitted bytes
64 transmitted bytes
200 total transmitted data bytes
The Check Sum byte is the "Exclusive Or" operation of all the data bytes, with the most significant bit = 0.
Dumping the Intellifex user memory into a sequencer: