To “zero-out” the Fine-Adjustment dial,
spin the thumbwheel until the “0” lines up with the engraved
line on the plate. The socket must not turn during this step.
Fig. 14.
5. Move the crank handle to the Fine-Adjustment dial to
make more precise bit height adjustments. One revolution
raises or lowers the lift exactly 1/8".
Fig. 15.
Using the Column-Locking Knob
The Pro Lift has been designed hold the bit cutting height
steady during typical use without need for any further locking
mechanism. However, to protect a setting against accidental
movement or to preserve it for extended use, the column-locking
knob can be tightened to lock it in.
Fig. 16.
2. Insert the Crank Handle in the Quick-Gear Dial in the
lift plate. Holding the handle grip with one hand, turn
the crank clockwise with the other hand to raise the
carriage until the router collet is fully accessible.
Fig. 13.
3. Use the wrench(es) that came with your router to
loosen the collet, if necessary, and insert the desired
bit in the collet. Let it bottom out; then lift it 1/16"
before tightening the collet. This is to help ensure
the collet is gripping the full shank of the bit.
4. Use the crank handle in the Quick-Gear Dial to quickly
lower the bit, and then snap the Insert Ring back into place.
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15