Chapter 12.
Advanced Topics
The last else part is optional, and will be displayed if the tag has no value. The
WPS parser will always display the last part if the tag has no value, or if the list
of alternatives is too short.
Next Song Info
You can display information about the next song – the song that is about to play after
the one currently playing (unless you change the plan).
If you use the upper-case versions of the three tags:
, they will instead refer
to the next song instead of the current one. Example:
is the genre name used in
the next song and
is the mp3 frequency.
The next song information
will not
be available at all times, but will most likely
be available at the end of a song. We suggest you use the conditional display tag a lot
when displaying information about the next song!
Alternating Sublines
It is possible to group items on each line into 2 or more groups or “sublines”. Each subline
will be displayed in succession on the line for a specified time, alternating continuously
through each defined subline.
Items on a line are broken into sublines with the semicolon ’
’ character. The display
time for each subline defaults to 2 seconds unless modified by using the ’
’ tag to
specify an alternate time (in seconds and optional tenths of a second) for the subline to
be displayed.
Subline related special characters and tags:
Split items on a line into separate sublines
Set the subline display time. The ’
’ is followed by either integer seconds (
or seconds and tenths of a second (
Each alternating subline can still be optionally scrolled while it is being displayed, and
scrollable formats can be displayed on the same line with non-scrollable formats (such
as track elapsed time) as long as they are separated into different sublines. Example
subline definition:
%s%t4%ia;%s%it;%t3%pc %pr : Display id3 artist for 4 seconds,
Display id3 title for 2 seconds,
Display current and remaining track time
for 3 seconds,
Conditionals can be used with sublines to display a different set and/or number of
sublines on the line depending on the evaluation of the conditional. Example subline
with conditionals:
The Rockbox manual
Archos Recorder