1. Place the frame on its side on a soft surface such as carpet
or cardboard.
2. Using the smaller bolts and washers, connect the crossbeam
to the frame, make sure the feet are facing down and the
wheel sockets facing forward.
3. Tighten the bolts securely using the 6mm hex key.
1. Turn frame back over on to crossbeam.
2. Align the holes in the rear legs with the holes through the frame.
3. Insert the larger set of bolts, tighten each four turns to make
sure the threads are in place.
4. Tighten the bolts securely with the 8mm hex key.
safety check
If the seatpost moves
or slides adjust the collar by tightening
the bolt with the 4mm hex key.
1. Open the seatpost lever.
2. Insert the seatpost, noting the minimum insertion safety line, then
close the lever.
see included coaching card for seat adjustment tips
Damage can occur if not tight.
The left pedal is already installed. If removing it, the threads
go reverse of the right pedal.
1. Identify the right side pedal by it’s sticker or stamp, then install
it into the right crank arm using the 15mm wrench.
2. Once the pedal is fully threaded into the crank arm, give it a
good, hard turn to secure.