t = 25
t = 30
t = 35
R-30/30 & R-30/30P
R-30/30F & R-30/30FP
R-30/30, R-30/30 P,
R-30/30F & R-30/30FP
II 2H 3 +
Type of gas
Input Rate (1)
3,06/2,71 (2) 3,12/2,83 (2)
Nominal gas Inlet
Pressure (mbar)
Burner setting
press (mbar)
Nozlle Size (mm)
Ø 1,25
Ø 0,76
Ø 0,76
(1) Consumption at full output (m
(st)/h at 15 °C and 1013 mbar)
(2) kg/h
Para el montaje, proceder de forma inversa.
Ver Fig. 26.
Marcado CE
Las calderas murales de gas Roca son con-
formes a la Directiva Europea 89/336/CEE
de Compatibilidad Electromagnética, a la
Directiva Europea 90/396/CEE de Aparatos
de Gas, a la Directiva Europea 73/23/CEE
de Baja Tensión y a la Directiva Europea
92/42/CEE de Rendimiento.
Main features
Boilers for Central Heating and instantaneous
Domestic Hot Water Production.
R-30/30 and R-30/30 P: Combustion takes place
in an open chamber an the air required for
combustion is drawn from the boiler room itself.
R-30/30 and R-30/30 FP: Combustion is
independent of the room where the boiler is
located (room-sealed). The air required for
combustion is drawn directly from outside as
flue gases are removed via an exhaust fan.
Electronic control of all functions.
Control panel with digital screen.
Fully automatic ignition, without pilot flame.
Flame safeguard rectification system.
Operating temperature selection of both services
accurate 1 °C. Permanent information about the
output modulation of both services.
Coded information on anomalies.
Permanent frost protection feature.
Pump seizure protection feature.
Bithermal heat enchanger.
The whole boiler may be dismantled through the
front panel.
Full set of valves & fittings on the boiler.
Automatic by-pass.
Safety feature for lack of water in the Heating
Temperature Limiter (Overheat Thermostat).
Flue spillage limit thermostat (in B11BS open
chamber models only).
Pressure switch for lack of combustion air (in
room-sealed “F” versions only).
Technical Specifications
Boiler type:
R-30/30 and R-30/30 P
= B11 and B11BS
R-30/30 F and R-30/30 FP = C12, C32, C42
and C82
Electrical output:
R-30/30 and R-30/30 P
= 120 W
R-30/30 F and R-30/30 FP = 200 W
Power supply; 230 V ~ 50 Hz, single-phase.
Pump capacitor: 3,5 µF.
Number of nozzles: 19.
Approx. weight: R-30/30 & R-30/30 P = 44 Kg.
R-30/30 F & R-30/30 FP = 46 Kg.
Net efficiency: 90%.
Expansion vessel capacity: 12 litres.
Expansion vessel fill pressure: 0,5 bar.
Safety valve set at 3 bar.
Room thermostat (optional) at 220 V.
Central Heating Mode
Heat output:
R-30/30 and R-30/30 P: Adjustable from 8 to
30 thm ( 9.30 to 34.88 kW).
R-30/30 F and R-30/30 FP: Adjustable from 8 to
27 thm (9.30 to 31.39 kW).
Maximum circuit pressure: 3 bar.
Maximum working temperature: 90 °C.
Fill pressure: 1.5 bar.
Domestic Hot Water
Heat output:
R-30/30 and R-30/30 P: Adjustable from 8 to
30 thm ( 9.30 to 34.88 kW).
R-30/30 F and R-30/30 FP: Adjustable from 8 to
27 thm (9.30 to 31.39 kW).
Maximum circuit pressure: 7 bar.
Maximum working temperature: 60 °C.
Domestic Hot Water production (litres/minute):
Minimum operating pressure and flow rate for
ignition: 0,2 bar and 4,5 l/min.
R-30/30 and R-30/30 P:
– Boiler and outer casing, electrical connector,
wall-mounting paper template, filter gas and
uppe bracket with its fixing bolts.
R-30/30 F and R-30/30 FP:
– Boiler and outer casing, electrical connector,
wall-mounting paper template and upper
bracket, with its fixing bolts.
Fluer ducktwork.
(We can supply on demand the wall-mounting
bracket/template, with hydraulic connections, the
complete support and the template for hydraulic
Installation and assembly
The boiler must be mounted on a resistant wall 6
cm, thick minimum, using adequate Rawlplugs.
It should not be placed over cookers or other
cooking device which give off steam or gases. It
can be mounted between kitchen fittings, at a
minimum distance of 1 cm, allowing for the side
casing panels to be removed for servicing.
The boiler should be installed by a qualified
professional. Observe current regulations
applicable to this type of apparatus: water, gas
and electrical (Low Voltage) installations, fire,
safety, ventilation, evacuation of flue gases,
special requeriments for public premises, etc.
The peel-off film which protects the fascia panel
should now be removed.
Location and water connections
Use the paper template provided for marking
the correct distance between the uppe bracket,
and the water connections. Fasten the upper
bracket in place.
Extend the system water connections up to the
boiler. See Fig. 1. Conduct the hydraulic test.
Dismantle the casing see “Assembly an
disassembly of the casing”.
Remove the plastic caps from the boiler tappings,
lift the boiler and hang it on the bracket. Then
tighten the various water and gas connections.
Identification of valves
See Fig. 2.
15. Safety valve (1/2”)
16. CH flow (3/4”)
17. DHW outlet (1/2”)
18. Gas inlet cock (3/4”)
19. Cold water inlet (3/4”)
20. CH Return (3/4”)
25. Heating Circuit Fill Valve
26. Heating Circuit Drain Cock
Flue system
Open-chamber boilers: Connect the boiler to
the flue duct, observing current regulations.
The flue duct must be designed taking into
account that the mass flow rate of the products
of combustion is 17.8 g/s and that their mean
temperature is 107 °C.