under the fade time or use data wheel #3 to change the crossfade time for this scene. You can also use a
keyboard to enter the fade time.
To record the scene, select the page and scene number. You can use the page switches to select from pages 1
to 99 and the number switches from 1 to 48 allowing you to store up to 4752 scenes. If you select a scene number
that is already lit, a message will appear asking if you want to write over the existing scene. Press “yes” or “no”.
It can take up to 30 seconds to overwrite or erase a scene depending on how much of the memory is
currently filled.
If at any time you wish to exit record mode without recording anything, press the “record” switch and you will exit
record mode.
To play back a scene, turn on the “scene” LED by pressing the “scene” switch. Select the page if necessary and
then press the number switch for that scene. The default play back mode is “solo” mode meaning only one scene
can be selected at a time using the number switches. When a scene is called any fixture channels that are
included in the new scene will crossfade using the recorded fade time to the new scene values. Any chases and
presets that are part of the scene will also be called. Any channels that are not included in the scene will fade to
0. Pressing the scene number that is currently lit (the active scene) will turn that scene off by calling a blackout.
Press and hold the “add” switch when selecting a scene number to play it back using, “add mode”. In add mode,
channels that are not part of the new scene will be left in their current positions instead of fading to 0 and any
chases that were running will keep running as long as the channels in the chase are not overridden by the new
scene. This method of playback allows channels from previous scenes to track through to the next scene as long
as the new scene doesn’t change those channels. This is also referred to as “pile on mode” by some controllers.
You can turn “add mode” on permanently by holding down the “add” switch when pressing the “scene” switch while
turning on the scene LED. You will not need to press “add” each time you select a scene if you do this. To turn add
mode off, press the “scene” switch while holding “erase” when turning on the scene LED. The “add mode” state is
backed up in memory so you only need to set it one time if you intend to always use “add mode”. You have the
option of switching between add and solo modes for each scene selection if you only press the “add” switch when
you select a scene number.
Currently you cannot use add mode to combine scenes and then record the combined scenes as a new
larger scene.
RECALLING SCENES (preview mode)
Preview mode lets you see the name and adjust the fade time of a scene before calling it. The “go” switch is used
to start the scene. Activate preview mode by pressing the “preview” switch and turning on its LED. In addition to
being able to select scenes with the number switches you can also use an external keyboard, the + or – switches
or the wheels to select the page, scene number or to change the fade time. If you are using an external keyboard
to select scenes, move the cursor on the display using the left or right arrow keys to choose page, scene or fade
time. You can enter numbers from the keyboard and then use the enter key to call the scene. The “go” LED will
light up when a valid scene number has been selected, indicating that the “go” switch is ready to call the scene.
The 8 faders can also be used scene masters. The faders allow manual control of the crossfading between
scenes as well as allowing you to run 8 scenes simultaneously. To use the faders this way, the “masters” LED
must be lit as well and the “scene” LED. Scenes 1 through 32 of the currently selected scene page can then be
called using 4 banks of 8 faders.
Read the section on scene masters for more detailed information on how they work.
To erase a scene from the memory, press “record” then “scene” then “erase”. As when recording a
scene, all number LEDs that contain a scene will light. Next select the scene number to erase. That
scene name will appear in the LCD along with the message “Erase this scene?”. Press “yes” or “no”.