DigitalSpot 7000 DT
10. DMX 512 connection
The fixture is equipped with both 3-pin and 5-pin XLR sockets for DMX input and output. Only use a shielded
twisted-pair cable designed for RS-485 and 3-pin/5-pin XLR- connectors in order to connect the controller with the
fixture or one fixture with another.
Wiring of the XLR connectors:
DMX output
DMX input
XLR mounting sockets (rear view):
XLR mounting plugs (rear view):
– Shield
- Signal (-)
- Signal (+)
– Not connected
– Not connected
To build a DMX chain
. Connect the DMX output of the first fixture in the DMX chain with the DMX input of the next fixture. Always
connect one output with the input of the next fixture until all fixtures are connected.
. Use menu "DMX Settings " to set the DMX start address on all fixtures (see the "Fixture address" menu).
. The option Activate DMX mode has to be confirmed in the “DMX Settings" menu on all fixtures.
Do not overload the link. Max. 32 fixtures may be connected on a DMX link.
Caution: Terminate the link by installing a termination plug in the DMX output of the last fixture. The termination
plug is a male 3-pin XLR plug with a 120 Ohm resistor soldered between Signal (–) and Signal (+).
11. Ethernet connection
The fixtures on a data link are connected to the Ethernet network with an Art-Net communication protocol. The
controlling software from PC (or lighting console) has to support the Art-Net protocol.
The Art-Net communication protocol is a 10 Base T Ethernet protocol based on the TCP/IP. Its purpose is to allow
transfer of large amounts of DMX 512 data over a wide area using standard network technology.
IP address is the Internet protocol address. The IP uniquely identifies any node (fixture) on a network.
The Universe is a single DMX 512 frame of 512 channels.