Maintenance and Care
Important instruction: before cleaning the steam oven, power supply must be disconnected.
Recommend to clean or maintain the unit after normal use
Use the cloth to clean the inner container when the unit is cool and clean the door or open the door & let it dry
in the air after each use.
Take the water tank to pour out the water after each use to avoid the abnormal odor generated for some time.
Water in the drip tray must be cleaned after use to avoid water overflow to the cabinet frame.
Recommend to clean or maintain the unit at weekly interval after normal use
Door Seal Installation Instruction
Clean inner container: use nylon brush or mild detergent to remove the dirt. Do not use the steel wool to avoid
unrepairable damage on the surface.Wipe with cloth after clean and keep the inner container in dry condition
(Note: do not use the corrosive or abrasive detergent for clean).
Clean the door: use the mild detergent to clean the stubborn dirt. Do not use the steel wool for clean to avoid
scratch on surface. Use cloth to wipe the door after clean.
Clean the heating plate: place the disincrustant or white vinegar into the heating plate. Use any function to heat
10-20 minutes. Switch off the function and remove the dirt water when it cools down.
Hold the A & B half circle at the upper area of the door seal by hands. Align to the half circle slots at the upper
area of the front panel and press in tightly. Then align the C & D half circles at the bottom to the two slots at the
bottom of the front panel and press in tightly. Press the four sides completely into the slots. Make sure the seal
is flat, not wrinkled and no gap.
Steam Oven