RCB1200 output modules of the same type can be seriesed in any number to achieve higher output voltages, even across
multiple chassis. The following instructions must be followed for output modules configured in this manner.
Isolation to ground
Care must be taken not to exceed the output module isolation to chassis ground when seriesing outputs. Each output is rated
for 250 V maximum between each output terminal and chassis ground. Exceeding this voltage may damage the unit.
Remote sensing
For seriesed modules, remote sensing is achieved by connecting the upper most positive sense terminal (S+) and the lower
most negative sense terminal (S-) from the series of modules to their respective load regulation points. All inner sense
terminals in the series must be daisy chained, S+ to S- from the first module in the series to the last module in the series. An
example of two seriesed modules is shown below.
Series remote voltage/current control
Remote voltage and/or current control is possible with any number of outputs in series using the advanced V-control and
I-control functions as described earlier. However, individual control of each module can be complex as the various control
terminals are referenced to the positive output of the preceding module and require the use of multiple isolated control
voltages to attain control over the full voltage range. In practice, individual control of each module is rarely required and a
more straightforward method is to control all outputs simultaneously with a single control voltage. With RCB1200 output
modules this is effortlessly achieved with the use of an external tracking circuit, details of which can be provided upon request.
Using the external tracking circuits allows all modules in a series to be controlled by a single control voltage that can be
referenced to the COM (J5.5) pin on any module.
SELV precautions
Where series combinations of output modules exceed 60 V, the output can no longer be considered SELV (Safety Extra Low
Voltage) and hence the final equipment manufacturer must provide suitable protection for both users and service personnel.
Energy and voltage hazards may arise when individual modules are seriesed.
See the Safety section for more details.