RMS Technologies
Page 22
Version 1.20
R325I Single Axis Controller/Driver Manual
12. Troubleshooting
R325I is not functioning correctly
Try putting the R325I into TEST mode by placing a jumper on Pins 9 & 10 of JP1.
The motor should twitch back and forth slightly if the R325 is functioning properly.
R325I not moving the motor (Step/Dir)
Verify that the 5V is being supplied to Pin 1 of P1.
The R325I is causing the motor to vibrate and jitter back and forth
Are the Motor phases switched? Be sure to check that motor wires are connected to
Pins 6 through 9 of P1, in the order of A, A Bar, B, B Bar. To check which wires
belong to one phase, take a Meter to measure resistance between any two wires. If
there is a finite value between two of them, insert the wires into pins 6 and 7, OR
pins 8 and 9. Insert the remaining two wires accordingly.