RMS Technologies
Page 27
Version 1.20
R101 Single Axis Driver/Indexer Manual
May 31, 2005
Position Move<value>
Command Only +/-
Causes a ‘Relative Motion’ Position Move, using an approximately trapezoidal profile.
The initial velocity is defined by ‘Start Velocity’ (SV), the profile ramp is defined by
‘Acceleration’ (AC), and the ‘Constant Velocity’ step rate by ‘Velocity Limit’ (VL).
‘Minimum Velocity’ (MV) is used to ensure that the deceleration ramp does not set
velocity to zero before the target position is reached.
It should be remembered that, while the ‘Position Move’ value defines the number of
steps to be made from the current position, the value returned by ‘Current Position’
(CP) both before and after a ‘Position Move’ are on an ‘Absolute’ step count scale.
CP readings can be used to determine PM values required to reach any given position
on the ‘Absolute’ step count scale.
Command Example
#APM1000<cr><lf> Makes a 1,000 step move from the Current Position.
Note: This command does not return a value.