Manual EC 24 · EN05 · 2015-02
Operating Modes
Battery-powered device
The EC 21 is fitted with an exchangeable battery and the EC 24 is fitted with two exchangeable
batteries. Both devices have been designed for a continuous operation over approx. six years. This,
however, is conditional on the device being either read or “woken up” by pressing the external
button once a week.
Battery-powered device with an external power supply
If an interface submodule is used for transmitting data, such as the externally supplied RS 485, the
service life of the battery is more than 10 years.
Externally supplied device with built-in standard battery
In the case of an external power supply (current transmitter which serves as a power supply and 4
to 20 mA current output at the same time), the EC 21 / EC 24 is completely supplied via a current
loop. For this purpose, a power supply unit is required which is to be connected to this output.
In the case of the EC 24 volume corrector, pulse processing is even ensured in the event of a power
failure of the current loop.
If pulse processing is to be maintained with the EC 21 even in the case of a power failure of the
current loop, a standby battery (available as an option) can be installed which will bridge the power
supply during a period of up to six months.
Display of battery change
Lithium batteries retain their voltage until they are almost completely discharged so that the
voltage cannot be monitored with an appropriate display until the next battery change is necessary.