’s Guide
Appendix G
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
Appendix G (Magnifications)
UPC/EAN Magnifications & Bar Width Deviations
UPC and EAN symbols have fixed lengths and formats; therefore, the only way to change their
sizes is to magnify them. Specifications relative to bar/space tolerances are published for 80% to
200% magnifications.
While the RJS Inspector D4000 does not measure the bars and spaces to derive a magnification, it
does determine the relative sizes of the elements and therefore the bar width deviations.
When UPC and EAN symbols are analyzed, the approximate symbol magnification must be known
in order to most accurately determine if the symbol is within tolerance.
For example, if a range of 90 - 115% magnification is selected and a 200% symbol is analyzed,
there will be a greater chance of a warning message for the symbol (despite its being within specifi-
cation) because of the stricter tolerances of a smaller symbol.
Conversely, if a range of 151% - 200% magnification is selected and a 100% symbol is analyzed,
there will be a greater chance of an acceptance message for the symbol (despite its possibly not
being within specification) because of the larger tolerances of a larger symbol.
Magnification choices affect only the traditional bar width
deviation analysis.