Section 2
Installing two PA speakers with a single Loudmouth
Many locations may require the installation of two speakers with a single Loudmouth
receiver. Two speakers are used when:
Coverage is required over a large area.
Large obstructions limit the effective range
of a single speaker.
A wall separates two coverage areas.
The ambient noise level is low and
individual speaker volume must be
reduced (i.e. Hospital).
The calling radio is in the area where the
speakers are located and speaker volume
must be reduced to prevent feedback.
In some installations a single Loudmouth
receiver can be used to drive two speakers, while others will require a separate
receiver for each speaker.
To cover a large area, or an area with large obstructions, place 2 speakers back-to-
back in a central location.
The speakers should be mounted as high as possible and pointing away from each other.
The 2 speakers can be driven by a single Loudmouth
Volume level may be reduced compared to a single speaker, making the system less susceptible to feedback.
Use 2 Speakers to reduce volume level
Surprisingly, the use of 2 speakers powered by a single Loudmouth
receiver can allow you to reduce the volume level in a quiet environment.
By covering an area with 2 centrally located speakers, installed back-to-
back, the volume level can be cut in half.
You can connect 2 speakers
to a single Loudmouth
receiver using the Ritron
RCA Male
to 2 RCA Female Y-Adapter.
Optional 2nd PA speaker with 25 ft.
cord and RCA phono connector.
(Ritron PN# 05500040)