Display Start Value (dSP.S)
This screen allows the user to set the Display Start value which will correspond to the
Input Start value.
If the Display End value is negative then Start value can be set from
90% of End
value to +9999 counts
, otherwise if the End value is positive then Start value can be
set from
-9999 to 90% of End value
message is displayed on screen following which user can start editing
Display Start value by pressing the “ ” key.
Instead on pressing the “ ” key will confirm the present value and advance to
Bent Function Selection menu (section
After entering the edit mode, by pressing the “ ” key
user can turn the
symbol On or Off. If
symbol is On
then Display Start value will be set as negative else it will
be positive.
Pressing the “ ” key will set the
symbol and editing
of first digit will start.
By pressing the “ ” key user can scroll the value from
0 to 9.
Pressing the “ ” key will set the first digit and advance the operation to next digit.
Similarly, user can edit the remaining three digits.
After all four digits have been set, pressing the “ ” key will advance to the Display
Start value confirmation mode.
Pressing the “ ” key will re-enter into the Start value edit mode.
Pressing the “ ” key will confirm the set value and advance to Bent Function
Selection menu (section