Standard Operating Condition
Standard operating conditions (SOC) of our solar cell modules are as follows. It is recommended that the modules
should be operated in the SOC. The installation place with conditions beyond SOC or with special conditions
should be avoided.
1. Standard operating condition
(1) The modules should be operated only in terrestrial use except space use or other use in the special conditions.
(2) The ambient temperature should be within from -40
(3) The relative humidity should within from 45% to 95%.
(4)The installation place should be less than 1000m above sea level. But, installation at the altitude of more than
1000m is allowed only if the wind pressure load for a module is less than Be 30 lb/ft^2
2. Special conditions
(1) The ambient
temperature and installation place are different from the SOC
(2) The salt damage is heavy at installation place.
The hail and snow damages are heavy at installation place
(4) The sand and dust damages are heavy at installation place
(5) Other special conditions (with air pollution, or with chemically active vapor, etc)
Notes on specification
(1) Powered specifications are measured at Standard Test Condition Irradiance of : 1000W/m2, 25
temperature and solar spectral irradiance per IEC 61215.
(2) The current output for these modules as shown
the Specifications is
conditions. These conditions may not be frequently observed in actual practice.
mounting profiles for modules, please contact your local dealer.
All wiring should be done in accordance with applicable electrical codes.
All wiring should be done by the qualified licensed professional.
Wiring should be protected to help ensure personal safety and to prevent its damage.
All modules connected in series should be of the same model number/type. Do not connect modules in parallel
without using a connection box.
Electrical Specifications
SYP-180S, SYP-175S, SYP-170S, SYP-165S, SYP-160S, SYP-200S, SYP-210S, SYP-110S, SYP-85S