F1 : Help PU/PD/+/- : Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift) F2 : Color
Onboard Parallel Port : 378/IRQ7
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
2. Use the arrow keys to move between options and modify the selected
options by using PgUp/PgDn or +/- keys.
A short description of screen options follows:
Internal PCI/IDE
This chipset contains an internal PCI IDE interface
with support for two IDE channels.
Choices: Primary, Secondary, Both.
IDE Primary/
The four IDE PIO (Programmed Input/Output) fields
let you set a PIO mode (0-4) for each of the four IDE
Slave PIO
devices that the onboard IDE interface supports.
Modes 0 through 4 provide successively increased
performance. In Auto mode, the system automatically
determines the best mode for each device.
Choices: Auto, Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3,
Mode 4.
IDE Primary/
UDMA (Ultra DMA) is a DMA data transfer protocol
that utilizes ATA commands and the ATA bus to allow
Slave UDMA
DMA commands to transfer data at a maximum burst
rate of 66MB/s. When you select Auto in the four IDE
devices that the internal PCI IDE interface supports),
the system automatically determines the optimal data
transfer rate for each IDE device.
Choices: Auto, Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3,
Mode 4.
IDE Burst Mode
Selecting Enabled reduces latency between each
drive read/write cycle but may cause instability in IDE
subsystems that cannot support such fast performance.