background image

B) Introducing workers

The player chooses any building on the game board. He pla-
ces any number of his own and / or neutral workers from
their pool behind the screen on vacant squares that are hori-
zontally or vertically adjacent to this building.



workers that a player introduces during their turn have to
touch one and the same building. Once the workers are pla-
ced on the board, they remain on the square on which they
have been introduced for the whole game. They are never
moved or removed.

Note: If a player places a worker on a tent camp, he does not get any
neutral worker.
An example for introducing a worker is shown at the bottom on the right.

A building is completed:

If a building is completely enclosed because of an action (eit-
her “A: Laying out a building” or “B: Introducing workers”), it


. Consequently the 


and the

continuation of the castle construction 

are triggered.

A building is completely enclosed if all 

horizontally and


adjacent squares are occupied (either by workers,

by other buildings or by the border of the game board).


All players who have introduced workers next to

this building receive seals. For each of his own workers who
is (horizontally or vertically) adjacent to the enclosed buil-
ding, the respective player gets a seal of the colour of the
seal lying on the building. The player whose turn it is gets the
seal of the completed building in addition (as he has trigge-
red the payout). Players place their seals behind their screen.

Important: You do not get any seals for neutral workers!

Note: It is possible for several buildings to be completed at the same
time. In this case, each building is evaluated separately, so that one wor-
ker can earn several seals. Besides, it can happen that a building is pla-
ced so that it is immediately enclosed itself. In this case a normal payout
is triggered. If there are not enough normal seals, players can exchange 5
seals for a bigger seal with the value 5.


Continuation of castle construction:

Afterwards, the

player whose turn it is places one castle piece 

per newly

enclosed building on the building lot for the castle.

Note: The castle indicates the value of the family’s seals. The building lot
consists of 10 squares that show 2 seals of each family. At the beginning
of the game, each seal is thus worth 2 pieces of gold. In the course of the
game, castle pieces are placed on the 10 squares of the building lot –
next to each other and on top of each other. For this reason, the value of
the individual seals changes, since it depends on the number of family
seals that is actually visible on the 10 squares of the castle when looking
at the castle from a bird’s-eye view.

When placing a castle piece, players have to observe the fol-
lowing rules:
At first, the castle’s first floor has to be constructed, before
beginning the second floor. The player chooses any castle
piece from the building material for the first floor and places
it on any still vacant square of the building lot.
As soon as all 10 squares of the lowest floor are occupied in
this way, the remaining 2 pieces of the pool for the first floor
are added to the pool for the third floor (and placed on two
of the four vacant neutral squares on the border of the game
board). Afterwards, the second floor is constructed in the
same way with the pieces of the second pool. As soon as the
second floor is completed, the remaining 2 pieces are again
added to the pool for the third floor.
Attention: When the second floor is completed, the end of
the game has begun (see page 6).

Example for introducing workers 
and a following payout:

Violet chooses possibility 1 B) “Introducing workers”. He selects
the trade centre. Next to this trade centre, he may now place any
number of workers of his pool. He introduces two of his own wor-
kers (violet) and a neutral one. So both the trade centre and the
monastery are completely enclosed.

The payout is triggered:
Orange receives a red seal from the general pool, since one of his
workers participated in constructing the trade centre. Violet has two
workers next to the trade centre and thus gets two red seals from
the general pool. In addition, he receives the red seal lying on the
trade centre.
Yellow and Green both get two olive seals from the general pool for
the monastery’s construction. Violet receives an olive seal from the
general pool and again the seal that lies on the monastery.
Then Violet may place any two castle pieces from the pool for the
first floor on the building lot for the castle. He chooses the two black
pieces since he has already collected many black seals in previous

