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2. CAN: Use the architect banner

At the end of each of their turns, players may decide if they
want to use one of their 4 architect banners. If they play it,
they get two workers of their colour from the general pool
for it (the banner is then out of game).
In addition, after having played their banner, players can exe-
cute an evaluation only for themselves:
The player can convert any number of their collected seals
(even from different families). They return them to the gene-
ral pool and receive gold in exchange. A seal’s value depends
on the current state of the castle. The number of the castle
squares of the corresponding colour visible from a bird’s-eye
view determines a seal’s value. The player may decide himself
which seals he wants to exchange and gets the correspon-
ding number of gold coins for it. So during each game, each
player can execute a maximum of 4 evaluations for himself in
order to get gold. In addition, there is one final evaluation at
the end of the game.


At the end of his turn, Green plays one of his architect banners and
gets 2 green workers from the general pool for it. Then he executes
an evaluation for himself: He exchanges 7 seals of the cloth mer-
chants (red) and 5 seals of the silversmiths (silver). From a bird’s-
eye view on the castle, 3 red and 4 silver squares are visible. Green

7 red seals  

x 3 red squares 

= 21 gold coins

5 silver seals 

x 4 silver squares  = 20 gold coins

41 gold coins



The end of the game begins as soon as a player places the
last castle piece on the second floor of the castle. The remai-
ning two castle pieces are added to the pool for the third
floor. The player ends his turn as usual (he can for example
execute one more evaluation if he still has an architect ban-

Note: If a player has completed several buildings during their turn, so that
they may place several castle pieces, the two last pieces from the pool
for the second floor are always added to the pool for the third floor first. If
the player may then place further pieces, they take them from the pool
for the third floor (that now consists of 8 pieces) and places them in the
third floor.

At this stage of play, each player may still execute one last
turn. The player who has begun the end of the game will be
the last to play. If during this last round buildings are com-
pletely enclosed, players use castle pieces from the pool for
the third floor. After this last round the game is over. Each
player evaluates their remaining seals. This final evaluation is
executed as described above.

The player who has now the most gold 
wins the game.
If two or more players tie for first place,
these players can all delight in their 
wealth – there are several winners.

Tactical hints:

1)  Try to cover the tent camps when laying out a building! The more neu-

tral workers you get, the easier you can enclose buildings in one go in
order to receive the additional seal.

2)  Place your workers so that you trigger a payout! You will then get an

additional seal.

3)  Do not play building cards whose seal’s colour is currently the most

valuable! Other players could complete the building and get many

4)  Use the architect banners in time in order to get new workers! It could

make sense to use a banner without executing an evaluation. It is not
the number of evaluations, but the right moment that decides the

5)  Watch out for the end of the game! Workers that you have not yet intro-

duced are worth nothing at the end of the game.

6)  Keep an eye on the other players’ seals! So you can reduce their value

by deliberately placing specific castle pieces.

7)  Introduce your own workers so that they are adjacent to several buil-

dings! So they cash in on each payout.

