Rinnai New Zealand
Demand Duo Lite Operation/Installation: 11451-A
Customer Information - Maintenance
your Rinnai Demand Duo Lite requires little maintenance, but for maximum performance the
following is recommended.
Temperature &
Pressure Relief
Valve (TPR)
Normally only occurs during installation or servicing and must be carried
out by an authorised person.
Draining and flushing the cylinder on a yearly basis is recommended if
the water supply contains excessive levels of silt.
This valve is located near the top of the tank and is essential for safe
operation. Every 6 months operate the easing gear to flush the valve. As
this will discharge hot water, ensure no one is near the drain line.
It is very important that you raise and lower the easing gear gently.
During this operation, if the valve does not discharge water when the
easing gear is lifted, or does not seal again when closed, attendance by
an authorised person must be arranged immediately.
lift until water flows
from drain line,
lower gently
During servicing the TPR valve needs to be checked and/or replaced.
This needs to be done by an authorised person at intervals not
exceeding 5 years, or more frequently in areas where the water is
classified as hard.
Draining and
flushing of the
Inlet water filter should be cleaned regularly.
Rinnai continuous
flow water filter
Storage tanks manufactured from metal can be susceptible to corrosion.
The combined effects of water pressure, temperature and water
chemistry can create an aggressive environment for corrosion of some
materials. For this reason anodes are placed in glass lined tanks so as to
corrode first. They should be changed every 5 years (more frequently in
hard/aggressive water areas).
Anodes in glass
lined tanks