Rinnai 22
Electric Panel Heater OIM
5.1 Third parties are often involved in providing advice to consumers about the climate control solutions best
suited to the consumer’s needs. Any advice or recommendations given by such parties, including advice
about Product fitness for purpose and overall system design, sizing and application are not the responsibility
of Rinnai. This includes but is not limited to the heat load calculations, airflow and system balancing.
This Warranty does not apply to any Product installed at an Installation Site which is outside Australia.
Except where inconsistent with the purchaser’s statutory rights and the rights given by this Warranty, all
liabilities of Rinnai for any direct, special, indirect or consequential loss or damage, any damage or expense
for personal injury or any loss or destruction of property, arising directly or indirectly from the use or inability
to use the Product or any of its parts and/or servicing the Product, are expressly excluded.
6.1 The Purchaser must pay freight charges, in-transit insurance expenses and travelling costs for repairs/
replacements under this Warranty, that are required to be performed 50km from the nearest Rinnai branch or
Authorised Service Representative.
6.2 Subject to clause 6.3, Rinnai will pay freight charges, in-transit insurance expenses and travelling costs for
repairs/replacements that are required to be performed less than 50km from the nearest Rinnai branch or
Authorised Service Representative, subject to the following:
a) Rinnai will arrange for such repairs/replacements and make any payment directly to the third party to
provide the freight, in-transit insurance or travel services; or
b) if Rinnai considers appropriate, it will authorise the Purchaser in writing to pay for the relevant freight
charges, in-transit insurance expenses or travelling costs and then, upon provision by the Purchaser to
Rinnai of a tax invoice showing those costs have been incurred, reimburse the Purchaser for such costs
which are within the terms of the authorisation. If the Purchaser pays for the relevant freight charges,
in-transit insurance expenses or travelling costs without written authorisation from Rinnai, Rinnai will not
reimburse the Purchaser for such costs.
6.3 The Purchaser must pay all costs and expenses in respect of:
a) any service call out fee if the Product is not accessible for service
b) making the Product accessible for service, for example, restricted access or working at heights, or the
labour cost for an additional person due to OHS requirements.
c) providing a safe working environment for installation, service, maintenance or repair of the Product;
d) any surcharge applicable in respect of supplying replacement parts outside Normal Business Hours; and
any other costs and expenses in relation to claiming the Warranty that is not covered by clause 6.2.
7.1 The Purchaser must operate and maintain the Product in accordance with the Operating Instructions and
service maintenance schedule, including conducting an appropriate number of services to the unit during the
Warranty period, based on usage and the usage environment including but not limited to;
regularly cleaning the air filter(s) and replacing them where necessary;
b) replacing expired batteries or other consumables as required;
c) ensuring that the condensate drain is kept clean and clear of obstructions.
If you wish to make a warranty claim in respect of any Portable Product, please return it to the place of purchase,
or if that is not possible, contact Rinnai to enquire about alternative arrangements.
If you wish to make a warranty claim in respect of any fixed Product, please contact Rinnai on the details set out
below to make arrangements for an Authorised Service Representative to inspect the product.
As per clause 2.6 of the Terms and Conditions of Warranty, purchasers are responsible for the costs of any repair
and/or call out fee where, on inspection, the alleged defect is found by Rinnai’s Authorised Service Representative
not to be covered by this warranty or any statutory consumer guarantee applicable to the Product.
The Terms and Conditions of Warranty contain important information about your rights and obligations under this
warranty. Please read them fully and carefully before making a claim.