Hydronic Air Handler Installation and Operation Manual
The hydronic air handler is designed to work
with Rinnai tankless water heaters and boilers
(models listed below) to deliver a wide variety
of heating capacities for residential and light
commercial applications.
The hydronic air handler works with the following
Rinnai products:
Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters:
SE+ Series
(RU Condensing Models)
HE+ Series
(RL Non
Condensing Models)
HE Series
(V Non
Condensing Models)
It is the responsibility of the installer to follow all
national codes, standards and local ordinances,
in addition to the instructions in this manual. The
installation must comply with regulations of the
local building, heating, plumbing, and other
codes. Where local codes are not applicable, the
installation must comply with the national codes
and all authorities having jurisdiction.
The following is a suggested list of codes and
standards for the United States and Canada:
General Installation
Installation of Air Conditioning and
Ventilating Systems NFPA 91 (latest edition)
Duct Systems
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractors National Association (SMACNA)
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration,
and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
2001 Fundamentals Handbook Chapter 34
or 2000 HVAC Systems and Equipment
Handbook Chapters 9 and 16
US and CANADA: Air Conditioning
Contractors Association (ACCA) Manual D
Acoustical Lining and Fibrous Glass Duct
US and CANADA: Current edition of
SMACNA; NFPA 90B as tested by UL
Standard 181 for Class I Rigid Air Ducts
Electrical Connections
US: National Electrical Code (NEC) ANSI/
NFPA 70 (latest edition)
CANADA: Canadian Electrical Code CSA
C22.1 (latest edition)
Plumbing Systems
US and CANADA: ICC International
Plumbing Code (IPC); Uniform Mechanical
Code (UMC); Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)
Refer to section
for a
complete list of product specifications.
Tankless water heaters must have a
minimum input rate of 160,000 Btu/hr.
Rinnai Boilers:
Series (Condensing) Combi Models
If utilizing a boiler, ensure the output of
the boiler exceeds the capacity of the
air handler in use (the boiler Btu/hr
rating must be greater than the air
handler Btu/hr rating).