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  Standard specifications   


: GD-F3A-1 

Detection principle 

: Galvanic cell method 

Target gas 

: Oxygen in air 

Sampling method 

: Diffusion sampling 

Signal transmission 

: Sensor output direct transmission 

Transmission distance 

: Max 600m with CVVS 1.25sq, 2C cable 

(between indicator/alarm unit and detector head) 

Applicable zener barrier  : MTL761Pac 

Cable entry 

: Cable gland (Applicable cable O.D. :  φ8〜φ11mm)

Operating temperature 

: -10〜40℃ 

Operating humidity 

: Below 90%RH (Non-condensing) 


: Wall mounting/2B(50A) pole mounting 

Kind of explosion proof 

: Intrinsically safe (when zener barrier is used) 

Explosion proof class 

: ExiaⅡCT4X(when zener barrier is used) 

Outer dimensions 

: Appr

ox 175(H) × 140(W) × 86(D) mm 


: Appr

ox 1.4kg 

Painting color 

: Munsel No.2.5Y9/2 half tone 



  Standard accessories 

  ・Operating instruction book   

  Optional accessories 

  ・U-bolt (for nominal diameter 2B) 
  ・Calibration adopter 
  ・Zener barrier (MTL761Pac) 



Summary of Contents for GD-F3A-1

Page 1: ...onfor accid ents andd am ag e causedb y usingthis p rod uct The ind em nificationshall b e m ad e onlyund er the warrantyp olicyofp rod ucts or p arts rep lacem ent Because this is asafety unit areg u...

Page 2: ...Alarmlevel for g as alarminstrum ent shall b e set within the p erform ance of the instrum ent Our stand ardalarmlevel is 1 8 b y volum e for the p reventionof oxyg end eficiency 3 This is not control...

Page 3: ...1 0 Ap p licab le cab le 1 0 Exam p le ofcab le connection 1 0 OPERATIONM ETHOD Prep arationb efore start up 1 2 Start up 1 2 Stop p ingthe op eration 1 2 M AINTENANCE ANDINSPECTION Insp ectionfreq ue...

Page 4: ...2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Stand ardsp ecifications 1 8 Stand ardaccessories 1 8 Op tional accessories 1 8 DETECTIONPRINCIPLE 1 9...

Page 5: ...roofconstructionfor outd oor installation Also it canb eusedas intrinsicallysafesystemincom b inationw ithzenerb arrier op tion to b e ab le toinstall inhazard ous area Id e n tif ica tio n o f e a c...

Page 6: ...e Performg ascalib rationat p rop erinterval Donot chang eorrem od el thecircuit structureofthisunit Donot d isassem b lethesensorsincethereisaelectrolyteinsid e Ifyourfing ertouchestheelectrolyte w...

Page 7: ...5 PR O D U C T FU N C TIO N Ex te r n a l d r a w in g P ro tec ti v e g rou n d C ab l e i n l et fo r U b o l t S en so r...

Page 8: ...yedterm inal for sensor leadandexternal cab le Cab le g land Entrance toleadthe cab le 8 1 1 m m fromoutsid e Hing e Hing e for front d oor Lock Lockfor front d oor M ountinghole M ountinghole tofixth...

Page 9: ...visionandg roup Perform anced ivision ia Group C 3 Relationsb etw eenallow ab leind uctance Lo andallow ab lecap acitance Co ofintrinsic safetycircuit andexternal w iringind uctance Lw andcap acitance...

Page 10: ...or head Detector head Ind icator alarm unit N on hazard ous area N on hazard ous area CVVS1 2 5 sq 2 C or eq uivalent M AX 6 0 0 m S ensor hol d er O xygen A tm osp here C ab l e gl and S hi el d ed c...

Page 11: ...atureisd rasticallychang ed Placesexceed ingop eratingtem p eratureandhum id ity M a in te n a n ce s p a ce Acertainm aintenance sp ace m ust b e securedaroundthe d etector head sothat the m aintenan...

Page 12: ...nect the op tional zener b arrier b etw eenthis unit andind icator alarmunit at non hazard ous area See b elowfig Connect the shield ingw ire tochassis g round Exam p l e of i ntri nsi cal l y safe sy...

Page 13: ...d ingw ith g round resistanceof1 0 orless U sethesp ecifiedcab le Forsysteminstallation op erationandm aintenance tak ecarenot tod am ag etheintrinsically safed esig n The p ow er of the ind icator al...

Page 14: ...tchinind icator alarmunit Be sure top erformg as calib rationat the tim e ofnewinstallation Correct read ingm ay not b e ob tainedb efore g as calib ration Sto p p in gth e o p e r a tio n Thissystems...

Page 15: ...salsonecessary to carry out g as calib ration at least every 6m onths The lawin Jap an sets forth that the unit m ust issue an alarm d uring the circuit insp ection related to alarm w hile p rovid ing...

Page 16: ...unit Stop the sup p ly of zero g as d isconnect calib ration ad ap ter and confirm that the oxyg enread ingreturns to2 0 9 vol Pe r f o r m in ga s p a n a d ju s tm e n t Pack the sp an g as fresh ai...

Page 17: fromthe hold er Insert newsensor intothe hold er andp ushthe sensor until it com es tothe end Connect b lackandw hite sensor leadw ires tothe term inal strip Connect w hite w ire top ositive term i...

Page 18: ...rature 0 4 0 Hum id ity 3 0 RH 8 5 RH Environm ental cond ition Environm ent w here g as solvent vap or andsoonare not existing List o f r e co m m e n d a b le sp a r e p a r ts f o r r e g u la r r...

Page 19: ...othe oxyg en onten p erm eatedthroug hthe m em b rane Refer to 1 0 DETECTIONPRINCIPLE for d etails Safety retainer for exp losion p rotectionb y lim itingthe energ y ofelectric current w ithin anon ig...

Page 20: ...le cab le O D 8 1 1 m m Op eratingtem p erature 1 0 4 0 Op eratinghum id ity Below9 0 RH Non cond ensing Structure W all m ounting 2 B 5 0 A p ole m ounting Kindofexp losionp roof Intrinsically safe w...

Page 21: ...teat aratep rop ortional tothep artial p ressureofoxyg en Theoxyg enreactsinthe cell and p rod uces a current p rop ortional to the oxyg en content The current d evelop s a voltag e across a tem p era...
