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    Perform gas calibration at new installation, 6 months inspection and sensor replacement.         



Required kit and tools for calibration 


  Prepare following jigs and tools to perform zero and span adjustments. 

      ・Calibration adapter   
      ・Calibration gas (standard gas for zero and span) 
      ・Gas sampling bag for calibration gas 
      ・Suction pump to lead calibration gas     
      ・Flowmeter with flow control valve (enable to control 1.0L/min). 


Performing a zero adjustment   



Pack the zero gas (Nitrogen more than 99.9 vol %) into gas sampling bag. 


Connect calibration adopter, flowmeter  (

with flow control valve)

  and suction pump to 

the detector head. Turn on the pump and adjust the reading of flowmeter to 



Connect gas sampling bag for calibration to the IN side of the pump. 


After  reading  by  indicator/alarm  unit  gets  stable,  adjust  the  reading  to  zero  with 
respective potentiometer of indicator/alarm unit. 


Stop  the  supply  of  zero  gas,  disconnect  calibration  adapter  and  confirm  that  the 
oxygen reading returns to 20.9vol %.     



Performing a span adjustment   



Pack  the  span  gas  (fresh  air  for  oxygen  deficiency  alarm  instrument  and  their 
concentration is around preset alarm level for other purpose) into gas sampling bag. 

      For simple calibration, you may be possible to use an ambient air as span gas 
      containing 20.9vol% O2 providing that the ambient pressure is 1 atm (1000±50hpa) 
      and contamination in air is negligible against span gas concentration.   


Connect calibration adopter, flowmeter  (

with flow control valve)

  and suction pump to 

the detector head. Turn on the pump and adjust the reading of flowmeter to   



Connect gas sampling bag for calibration to the IN side of the pump. 


After reading by indicator/alarm unit gets stable, adjust the reading to the span gas 
concentration with respective potentiometer of indicator/alarm unit. 


Stop  the  supply  of  span  gas,  disconnect  calibration  adapter  and  confirm  that  the 
oxygen reading is 20.9vol % (completion of span calibration). 

Summary of Contents for GD-F3A-1

Page 1: ...onfor accid ents andd am ag e causedb y usingthis p rod uct The ind em nificationshall b e m ad e onlyund er the warrantyp olicyofp rod ucts or p arts rep lacem ent Because this is asafety unit areg u...

Page 2: ...Alarmlevel for g as alarminstrum ent shall b e set within the p erform ance of the instrum ent Our stand ardalarmlevel is 1 8 b y volum e for the p reventionof oxyg end eficiency 3 This is not control...

Page 3: ...1 0 Ap p licab le cab le 1 0 Exam p le ofcab le connection 1 0 OPERATIONM ETHOD Prep arationb efore start up 1 2 Start up 1 2 Stop p ingthe op eration 1 2 M AINTENANCE ANDINSPECTION Insp ectionfreq ue...

Page 4: ...2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Stand ardsp ecifications 1 8 Stand ardaccessories 1 8 Op tional accessories 1 8 DETECTIONPRINCIPLE 1 9...

Page 5: ...roofconstructionfor outd oor installation Also it canb eusedas intrinsicallysafesystemincom b inationw ithzenerb arrier op tion to b e ab le toinstall inhazard ous area Id e n tif ica tio n o f e a c...

Page 6: ...e Performg ascalib rationat p rop erinterval Donot chang eorrem od el thecircuit structureofthisunit Donot d isassem b lethesensorsincethereisaelectrolyteinsid e Ifyourfing ertouchestheelectrolyte w...

Page 7: ...5 PR O D U C T FU N C TIO N Ex te r n a l d r a w in g P ro tec ti v e g rou n d C ab l e i n l et fo r U b o l t S en so r...

Page 8: ...yedterm inal for sensor leadandexternal cab le Cab le g land Entrance toleadthe cab le 8 1 1 m m fromoutsid e Hing e Hing e for front d oor Lock Lockfor front d oor M ountinghole M ountinghole tofixth...

Page 9: ...visionandg roup Perform anced ivision ia Group C 3 Relationsb etw eenallow ab leind uctance Lo andallow ab lecap acitance Co ofintrinsic safetycircuit andexternal w iringind uctance Lw andcap acitance...

Page 10: ...or head Detector head Ind icator alarm unit N on hazard ous area N on hazard ous area CVVS1 2 5 sq 2 C or eq uivalent M AX 6 0 0 m S ensor hol d er O xygen A tm osp here C ab l e gl and S hi el d ed c...

Page 11: ...atureisd rasticallychang ed Placesexceed ingop eratingtem p eratureandhum id ity M a in te n a n ce s p a ce Acertainm aintenance sp ace m ust b e securedaroundthe d etector head sothat the m aintenan...

Page 12: ...nect the op tional zener b arrier b etw eenthis unit andind icator alarmunit at non hazard ous area See b elowfig Connect the shield ingw ire tochassis g round Exam p l e of i ntri nsi cal l y safe sy...

Page 13: ...d ingw ith g round resistanceof1 0 orless U sethesp ecifiedcab le Forsysteminstallation op erationandm aintenance tak ecarenot tod am ag etheintrinsically safed esig n The p ow er of the ind icator al...

Page 14: ...tchinind icator alarmunit Be sure top erformg as calib rationat the tim e ofnewinstallation Correct read ingm ay not b e ob tainedb efore g as calib ration Sto p p in gth e o p e r a tio n Thissystems...

Page 15: ...salsonecessary to carry out g as calib ration at least every 6m onths The lawin Jap an sets forth that the unit m ust issue an alarm d uring the circuit insp ection related to alarm w hile p rovid ing...

Page 16: ...unit Stop the sup p ly of zero g as d isconnect calib ration ad ap ter and confirm that the oxyg enread ingreturns to2 0 9 vol Pe r f o r m in ga s p a n a d ju s tm e n t Pack the sp an g as fresh ai...

Page 17: fromthe hold er Insert newsensor intothe hold er andp ushthe sensor until it com es tothe end Connect b lackandw hite sensor leadw ires tothe term inal strip Connect w hite w ire top ositive term i...

Page 18: ...rature 0 4 0 Hum id ity 3 0 RH 8 5 RH Environm ental cond ition Environm ent w here g as solvent vap or andsoonare not existing List o f r e co m m e n d a b le sp a r e p a r ts f o r r e g u la r r...

Page 19: ...othe oxyg en onten p erm eatedthroug hthe m em b rane Refer to 1 0 DETECTIONPRINCIPLE for d etails Safety retainer for exp losion p rotectionb y lim itingthe energ y ofelectric current w ithin anon ig...

Page 20: ...le cab le O D 8 1 1 m m Op eratingtem p erature 1 0 4 0 Op eratinghum id ity Below9 0 RH Non cond ensing Structure W all m ounting 2 B 5 0 A p ole m ounting Kindofexp losionp roof Intrinsically safe w...

Page 21: ...teat aratep rop ortional tothep artial p ressureofoxyg en Theoxyg enreactsinthe cell and p rod uces a current p rop ortional to the oxyg en content The current d evelop s a voltag e across a tem p era...
