leaning angle in relation to the chest
prompt (see fi gures 26a, 26b, 27a).
3. Adjust arm prompts or hand loops:
• Adjust the width, height and angles
of arm prompts (see pp 15–16) or
handloops (see p 13).
4. Adjust thigh prompts:
• Adjust the height, angle, and strap
length to guide the stride of the client
(see Page 22).
• The thigh prompt is important for
positioning the client’s thighs closer
together or further apart. It also
prevents the client’s body from
twisting in the Pacer.
5. Adjust ankle prompts:
• Adjust straps and spring adjusters
to guide the stride of the client (see
fi gure 23d).
6. Adjust the tray position and angle
fi gure 24a).
7. Release the caster brakes.