The Menu Dump Tank screen provides a simple and easy way to completely drain an air storage tank for servicing or storage.
When the OK button is pressed all valves are opened, which exhausts the air from the tank to atmosphere. The compressors are
disabled so the tank is not fi lled during this procedure.
The valves will remain open until tank pressure reaches 0 psi.
The compressors will remain disabled until the ignition is turned off then back on.
Mobile App & Laptop Users Guide
Dump Tank has a secondary screen to verify you want to dump the tank.
Dump Tank
The Menu Diagnostics screen can be used to diagnose problems/issues, specifi cally
with the level sensor positioning during installation and/or the vehicle charging
Each corner can be manually infl ated and defl ated via the buttons surrounding the
read out screen.
The readout screen displays the pressure and level sensor voltage (IF USING RIDE
HEIGHT SENSORS) of each corner as well as the battery voltage in real time.
The top image is RidePRO-HP with ride height sensors. The bottom image
is RidePRO-X without ride height sensors. If you have ride height senors, it will
display the voltage output of the level sensors. The range of the level sensors is
0.5 - 4.5 volts.