Using the Scanner in a Network Environment
You can use a scanner over the network.
• You can send scan files to a specified destination using e-mail (Sending scan
file by e-mail). See “Sending Scan Files by E-mail”, Scanner Reference.
• With the ScanRouter delivery software, you can save scan files in specified
destinations on network computers (Saving scan files). See “Sending Scan
Files by Scan to Folder”, Scanner Reference.
• You can send scan files directly to folders (Sending scan file by Scan to Folder).
• Under the network delivery scanner function, you can use the machine as a
delivery scanner for the ScanRouter delivery software or DeskTopBinder.
You can save scan files or fax-received files in the delivery server, or deliver
them to a folder on a computer on the same network.
• For details about specifying the machine’s settings for using its scanner func-
tion over the network, see “Network Settings”, General Settings Guide.
• For details about using the scanner function over the network, see “Using the
Network TWAIN Scanner Function”, Scanner Reference.
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