Batching Options
The batching feature allows the user to group measurements together in batches. Each
batch has associated statistics; the data for each batch can be accessed by connecting
the instrument to a PC.
The current batch name is displayed on the Home screen in the bottom left corner, the
sample number within that batch is shown in the top right of the screen indicated with
n=(sample number).
A new batch is started using the Start New Batch option in either the Menu screen or the
Data menu, note that the batch name will increment as will the ‘n’ indicator.
The current batch can be cleared in the either the Menu screen or the Data Menu, the
batch name will remain the same but the ‘n’ indicator will reset to zero.
Auto batch size is user defined using the Auto Batch option in the Data Menu. When the
number of readings in the current batch reach the number set by the user the instrument
will automatically increment the batch name and set the ‘n’ indicator to zero.
Viewing Batch Data
To access the stored batch information, connect the instrument to a PC using the USB
data cable supplied.
A new device name “IQ-METER” can be viewed and accessed via “MY COMPUTER”, in
this device open the DATA folder. This folder contains subfolders which contain the data
for each individual saved batch. Each reading is saved as an individual comma separated
value (.csv) that contains Gloss, Haze, DOI/RIQ, RSpec, Time and Date of Reading, Serial
Number and Full Goniophotometric data for all 512 diode elements.
Each reading also contains the statistics for the batch up to and including that reading. To
access the STATISTICS for the whole batch, the last reading in the batch should be
User Defined Batch Names
Batch names are user definable. With the instrument connected to a PC, open the folder
named “CONFIG”. Within this folder there is a document named “batches”. This is a
.csv file that can be opened in Notepad, Excel or Wordpad.
User defined names should be saved in this document, each name listed on a separate
line. Ensure that the final line is terminated with a carriage return.
The format of these names should only contain letters. No numbers, spaces or other
characters can be used.
Once completed, save the file and then switch the instrument off and on again to initialize
the new batch names.