RHEONIK Messgeräte GmbH
REV. I, Apr. 2004
Operation Manual RHE 07, 08, 11
2. Operating and programming
This section covers the operation and parameter setup of RHEONIK RHE transmitters.
The subjects are:
Display and keyboard handler
Basic transmitter setup (inputs, outputs, zeroing)
Additional setup features (sensor setup, passwords, diagnostics)
2.1. General instructions
When turning on the remote unit RHE or when resetting the system, the display will show the soft-
ware version number. The unit runs through an automatic diagnostic program to determine if both
sensor and electronics are free of malfunctions.
After the diagnostics have been completed satisfactorily and without error, the LCD-display will show
a measurement display.
If the power is cut for less than 10 seconds, the display will show
reset error.
2.1.1. Keyboard and display
The display is a dual line 16 character liquid crystal display (LCD). Below the display are 3 keys.
For LCD contrast adjustment a 270° angle trim potentiometer is installed on the back side of the
RHE 07 , 19" housing.
Near the RHE 08 the same trim potentiometer is highly visible and located inside on the motherboard
between the cards MM 03 and MIO 03.
If the display characters do not appear or there is poor readability, turn this potentiometer
and carefully
from the factory set position until characters appear in the display and constrast is
Display symbols in the measuring mode with explanation:
Flow direction (direction not fixed, forward / backward)
Flow rate > recommended range
Flow rate < recommended range
Flow rate < low flow cut-off limit