These instructions cover only the installation of the heat pump module and the
connections made between the heat pump module and storage tank. Refer to
Owner‟s Guide and Installation Instructions supplied with the storage tank
for further information including:
where and how to locate the heat pump water heater
the dimensions of the heat pump water heater and any clearances
required from surrounding objects
how to connect the heat pump water heater to the electricity supply and to
the plumbing system
how to operate the heat pump water heater
what to do if something goes wrong.
The water heater has a freeze protection system. The freeze protection system
will protect the water heater from damage, by preventing ice forming in the
waterways of the water heater, in the event of freezing conditions occurring.
If the ambient air temperature falls below 4°C and the heat pump module is not
operating, the system will operate the circulator periodically. During this freeze
protection cycle, the circulator will operate for three (3) minutes and then rest
for fifteen (15) minutes, before the cycle is recommenced. Water is circulated
from the storage tank through the heat pump circuit, to prevent freezing in the
connecting pipe work and heat pump module.
In areas where the ambient air temperature may fall below 0°C,
power must be available to the water heater at all times to prevent freezing in
the heat pump circuit.
The system must be installed with the heat pump circuit hot and cold pipes fully
insulated with closed cell polymer insulation with a minimum thickness of
13 mm. Thicker insulation may be required to comply with the requirements of
AS/NZS 3500.4. The water heater has NO WARRANTY for freeze damage if
the heat pump circuit hot and cold pipes are not suitably insulated or if power is
unavailable at the water heater.