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Accessing the USB Drive from the Windows Start Menu
To access the USB Drive using Microsoft network connections :
Click Windows Start > Run and type: \\aprt-2801
The name entered is the host name of the router.
A new Explorer window will pop up displaying the root folders your account has access to.
Accessing the USB Drive from Windows Explorer or network
In Network Places, type : \\aprt-2801
It will display the root folders granted access to on the USB drive.
Accessing the Router’s USB Drive Remotely Using FTP
User is recommended to access the router’s USB drive remotely using the FTP program and not
the web browser.
You can connect to the router’s USB drive using a FTP program :
1. Connect to the router by typing the router Internet port IP address in the address field of
FTP program.
2. Type the account name and password that has access rights to the USB drive.
3. The directories of the USB drive that your account has access to will be displayed. You can
now read and copy files from the USB directory.