DSPbR Series
– User’s Manual
Document Number 00000.B Page 20/75
3.2 Sub Rack Frame
The DSPbR hardware platform is built into a standard 4RU 19” sub rack frame, which together with its top,
bottom and side covers, module guide rails and centrally located interconnect motherboard, is known as the
DSPbR sub rack frame. This sub rack frame is identical for both master and slave units when more then one
sub rack frame is employed. The sub rack frame is characterised by the two solid carry handles protruding from
the front of the unit. All modules connect into the centrally located motherboard set within the sub rack frame via
guided slide rails. Each pair (top and bottom rails) are allocated slot numbers.
The motherboard is considered integral to the sub rack frame and therefore its removal is not intended. The
majority of the motherboard connections cater for a level of RFBE and RFFE inter-changeability. This is detailed
in Appendix “A” Slot Architecture - Typical Configurations.
3.3 Modules
The DSPbR Series repeater has been designed on a modular level and as such the modules are configurable
to essentially cater for power supply and band options with channel expandability.
The base line modules, without which the unit would not function, are the PSU Inlet modules, Power Supply
Unit PSU, either 110-240VAC or 48VDC, Central System Controller - CSC, Reference Generator - Ref GEN +
Aux, Digital Signal processor - DSP, and at least a one RF Front End RFFE and corresponding RF Back End
RFBE. A BPFM is bolted onto an RFFE for insertion and or removal from the sub rack frame as one unit. The
output of the RFBE is bolted onto either a BPFM or TLM (Through Line Module) for insertion and or removal
from a sub rack frame as one unit.
The motherboard within the sub rack frame connects modules such that band options and channel
expandability is optimised. The PSU and CSC modules are located and removed from the front of the sub rack
frame. The Ref Gen + Aux, DSP, RFFE and RFBE modules with corresponding BPFM’s are located and
accessible from the rear.
The rear of the sub rack frame is divided up from the left (looking at the sub rack frame from the rear) into slot
positions. There are 10 available slot apertures counting slots 1 to 10 from the left of the sub rack frame to the
right. The extreme right fixed module is the Ref Gen + Aux underneath which the PSU inlet module is located.
The DSP Module is located in the 10
slot. RFBE modules are accommodated in slots 1 to 8. Slots 7, 8 and 9
are designed to accommodate RFFE modules. Slots 7 and 8 are therefore dual purpose.
RFBE and RFFE (+ BPF) modules are “hot swappable” and can be removed or inserted without powering down
the DSPbR. Upon positive connection following insertion of RFFE and or RFBE modules into a DSPbR slot, the
CSC will automatically interrogate the respective module recording hardware/firmware version and serial