Loft Floor
Panel #7
Panel #6
Step 10 Install Front & Back Wall Trim
Cut 1x4-10' trim boards to length for the front corners. Install trim flush with the bottom
edge of the siding and the top of the loft floor. Install the boards flush with the siding on
the sidewalls. Use 8d galv. nails to install all trim boards.
1x4-8' Trim
1x4 Corner Trim
Cut and install 1x4-8' trim boards
between the corner trim.
Important: Install the trim board
flush with the floor.
Repeat procedure to install trim at
the rear of building.
Step 11 Assemble Rear Roof Gable
The 2x4 wall studs in the bottom wall frame are screwed to
the outside 2x4s. If you are installing a window or loft door,
remove the screws and move the 2x4s to create the opening
width needed. The maximum opening width is 44-3/4".
If no opening is necessary, center the wall studs
in the opening.
Locate a 47-3/4" wide wall
frame and an upper gable frame.
The frames are numbered 8A
and 8B. Nail these frames
together using 10d sinkers.
The rear panels are numbered 6 through 10.
Locate panels numbered 6 and 7. Lay these
panels, siding down, on the front loft floor.
Nail the panels together with 10d sinkers.
Move Wall Stud
Move Wall Stud
Assemble Roof Gable on Loft Floor