Static auto-tuning
Rotational auto-tuning
Parameters obtained by auto-tuning
C3.06: Current loop integral time
C3.00: Speed loop proportional gain
C3.01: Speed loop integral time
Tab. 12-20: Parameters obtained by auto-tuning
No-load current C1.20 is auto-tuned to 25% of rated current.
Additionally, the motor rated voltage C1.06 and the motor rated frequency C1.08
will be updated automatically.
The inertia parameter C1.13 and C1.14 is defined as:
J = [C1.13] * 10
J - Inertia, Unit: Kg.m
Accurate system inertia is important for achieving the optimal control perform-
ance. If by using the default inertia value fail to achieve the required control per-
formance, the following three methods can be used to obtain the inertia value:
1. Run rotational auto-tuning
and the motor inertia can be ob-
tained automatically. This method is recommended if the motor is discon-
nectable from the load.
2. Look up for the inertia value on the nameplate of synchronous motor or in
the datasheet of motor manufacturer.
3. If the inertia value is not available on the nameplate or in the datasheet,
neither the motor load is removable that allows for the execution of the ro-
tational auto-tuning, derive an estimated value according to the formula be-
low and make fine tuning for better control effect.
J = 1/2 * m * r
m - Rotor weight of synchronous motor, unit: kg
r - Rotor radius of synchronous motor, unit: m
In case rotor weight and rotor radius are not available, the following formu-
la can be used for rough estimation of inertia.
J = 1/2 * k * M * R
M - Total weight of synchronous motor, unit: kg
R - Stator radius of synchronous motor, unit: m
k - Coefficient, generally ranging from 1/32 to 1/8. For compact motor,
such as servo motor, a bigger value could be selected, while for general
asynchronous motor, a smaller value may be more suitable.
Due to the fact that the actual inertia is not obtainable through static auto
tuning, and additionally if the default inertia could not meet the control re-
quirement, only method 2 and method 3 shall be used for identifying the
inertia value.
For EFC 5610, parameter C1.11 can be calculated by rated frequency and
motor speed automatically.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Functions and Parameters
EFC x610 Series