Revv Owner’s Manual - 21
The D20 can be connected to Two notes Remote software in order to
manipulate all available settings and change the presets found on the
front knob of the amplifier. This is via the USB port.
You can find the Remote Software for the D20 here:
Once you connect your D20 to the computer using the provided USB
cable, your computer will start recognizing the D20. This may take a
couple of minutes. Once this is complete, simply open the Remote Soft-
ware and the D20 will connect.
Once connected, you can tweak all available Torpedo Embedded set-
tings to your preferences!
Note: If you are new to studio practices such as mic placement, the differ-
ence in tonalities between different speakers, and more - Two notes has a
wealth of resources available throughout their channels to get you start-
ed. Of course, the presets are the best start in this situation!