Manual rEvo III
pressure to drop from 100 to 50 bar. Check if there is a gentle flow noticeable at the
mouthpiece (when slightly opened).
* Open the diluent valve and check that there is no leak there where the diluent
regulator first stage screws into the cylinder valve.
* Check the functioning of the ADV by breathing in from the mouthpiece.
* Do a positive test: close the mouthpiece entirely and push the button of the manual
diluent supply: gas may only escape from the overpressure valve: listen very carefully
for gasleaks in possible other places (a second positive test happens in the water
during descent: bubble-check at 3/5m) This test can also be carried out in a tub, by
closing the rebreather entirely, and immersing it entirely in water at a slight over
pressure, when pushing the manual addition valve, gas should only escape from the
overpressure valve.
* Check the correct functioning of your bail-out system (alternative or redundant
breathing system): mixture, cylinder pressures, proper functioning of the regulators.
* When necessary, program your personal dive computer (not part of required
standard equipment) For correct use of dive computers appropriate training is
!!!! If you do not intend to dive immediately, close the cylinders and flush the
rebreather with air.
4.3: Immediate pre-dive: wearing the rebreather, immediately before entering the
! use the checklist ! see addendum
* Put the rEvo on your back: take care that all your straps are pulled tight so that the
rebreather is positioned as high as possible on your back. The rebreather must be
fixed firmly on your back so that it does not swing when you make movements from
left to right. When desirable attach the crotch straps: they provide extra stability.
* Attach your independent breathing system (bailout cylinder(s)) to your harness.
* Check the functioning of your independent breathing system: breathe from the
* Open the oxygen valve SLOWLY.
* Check the pressure of the oxygen cylinder.
* Flush the breathing lung 3 times with oxygen (see procedure for calibrating the
oxygen cells).
* Start the rEvodreams: when they indicate a PPO2 of between 0.97 and 1.01, you
can proceed, if not you must calibrate!
* Open the diluent valve. Test the functioning of the ADV by breathing from the
* Test the functioning of the inflator: does the wing remain inflated?
* Perform a buddy-check: are all connections OK, the independent breathing system,
the pressure on the cylinders, the functioning of the rEvodreams?
* Breathe for 5 minutes on the rebreather (Prebreathe): this is best done while sitting
down with the dive mask on. The PPO2 must always be >0.5! Do you feel OK?
Compare the readings on the displays of the rEvodreams. Do they match ? (maximum
difference of 0.03) Do the indications on the HUD's correspond with the readings on
the displays? No sign of a weak battery on the display?