Manual rEvo III
!!!! new pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Secure the cell with the black holding screw and connect the right Molex connector to
the cell. Be sure that the connector is fitted in the right position (see picture). Do not
use force as this may damage the pins on the cell.
Make it a habit to position the cells in the same place and order: position one and two
for the first rEvodream and position number three for the second rEvodream (which is
using only one cell). The first rEvodream should be the one on the right oxygen SPG
and right HUD. The second rEvodream should be fitted on the left side (and left
diluent SPG) and the left HUD. By keeping a fixed position for each cell it will be easier
to decide which cell to replace. Note down the date when each specific cell is installed:
write the date on the cell itself to know its exact age.
How to use and when to replace oxygen cells:
Minimum 3 oxygen sensors must be used during diving: this is the way to start up
with a new unit. The date of installation is marked on each cell.
After 6 months a 4
cell is added, so both rEvodreams will from that moment display
2 sensors. Following process applies unless a sensor has failed before its 6 months of
use: the oldest cell that is still in the unit, is replaced with a new cell, unless a cell
clearly reacts slower then the other cells. In that case the slower cell is replaced of
If you have to choose between more than one cell to be replaced, change the cell that
reacts slower on a sudden increase in PPO2.
As explained further down, at least once every week of diving, cells must be checked
for current-limiting at the start of a dive.
Adding a new sensor every 6 months reduces the possibility of losing more than one
cell during diving (the sensors in the unit, coming from different production batches,
will all have a different diving history after being in use for a while)