Only persons licensed to work with gas piping may make the necessary gas
connections to this appliance.
The appliance is provided with an opening on both sides
of the control compartment. A 3/8" gas supply pipe must
be brought near this inlet hole, from either the left or right hand side.
It is recommended that a union be provided inside or close to the
control compartment to facilitate easier servicing.
NOTE: The gas line connection may be made using 3/8" copper
tubing or an approved flex connector. Since some municipalities
have additional local codes, it is always best to consult your local
authorities and the CAN/CGA-B149
(1 or 2) Installation Code. For U.S.A gas installations follow either
local codes or the current edition of the National Fuel Gas Code
The appliance and its shutoff valves must be disconnected from the gas supply piping
system during any pressure testing where the pressure exceeds 1/2 PSIG (3.45 kpa).
Always check for gas leaks with a soap and water solution, after completing the required
pressure test.