Operation and Maintenance Manual – Steam sterilizers mod. PRATIKA
Rev. 01 del 03-01-2007 - C:\Documenti\Manuali di istruzione\PRATIKA GB-R01.doc
Pag. 19 di 27
9.4 Monthly routine maintenance
Lubricate the pins and locking mechanisms.
Check the movement of the hinge and door locking pin. Lubricate with Vaseline oil.
Make sure that the door is well regulated. If it is excessively slack, it must be adjusted by means of the
supplied wrench. Turn the regulator at the rear of the door in a (A) direction. This will increase the
pressure exercised by the seal.
Attempt to shut the door. If some difficulty is encountered, turn the regulator in an (B) direction with
the supplied wrench.
Clean the entire autoclave cabinet with a slightly damp sponge, including the door casing.
Check and/or replace bacteriological filter Code. 1067 once a year.
9.5 Periodic extraordinary maintenance
To allow the autoclave to operate in a regular way, the manufacturer advises users to carry out a
functional test to ensure that the temperature and pressure parameters of the machine comply with the
standards required for a correct sterilizing process.
These tests must be conducted by personnel authorized by the manufacturer, using calibrated and
periodically certified instruments.
The autoclave can also be sent to the manufacturer for this test, after form 32/A has been filled out and
The autoclave is able to accept probes for the sterilizing tests.
It is advisable to have the appliance subjected to a Total Overhaul by After-sales Service staff at least
once every 12 months.
The operation of the safety valve installed at the rear of the machine must also be checked at least once
every 12 months. This is done by removing the protective casing and re-tightening the ring nut of the
valve by hand. To prevent accidents, this operation should obviously be carried out when the machine
is cold and off.