Detecting circuit disconnection and de-cannulation
Astral Disconnection Alarm
The Astral Disconnection Alarm constantly measures circuit resistance to detect disconnection during
therapy. The high priority Disconnection Alarm will activate when the device detects a disconnection that
persists continuously for more than the alarm Activation Time preset by your clinician. If the degree of
disconnection is resolved within this time, the Alarm Activation Time will be reset.
Adjusting the Disconnection Alarm
Your clinician can adjust the Disconnection Alarm to suit your needs. Your clinician can:
Adjust alarm Activation Time – the time it takes (in seconds) following disconnection for the alarm to
Adjust Disconnection Tolerance – the degree of disconnection that it takes to activate the alarm
Turn the Disconnection Alarm
On/ Off
The Disconnection Alarm default setting is On.
To test the Disconnection Alarm:
These steps should be performed prior to connecting patient to the ventilator.
Attach all components of the patient circuit, including interface (a test cannula should be used in the
case of a tracheostomy).
Start ventilation at the appropriate therapy settings, circuit configuration, and supplemental oxygen (if
Check that the measured disconnection value turns red and that the Disconnection Alarm activates
after the Alarm Activation Time.
If the Disconnection Alarm does not sound, the alarm parameters may need to be adjusted by your clinician.
Helpful hint!
De-cannulation can be the most difficult disconnection for the device to detect. To ensure de-cannulation
is detected, test the Disconnection Alarm using a test cannula. Your clinician can help you to do this.